Missouri Organic Recycling
Missouri Organic Recycling is an example of a large commercial compost company. They collect large amounts of leaves, yard trimmings and brush from public and private haulers. Individuals also contribute at 5 locations across the city. Their fleet of trucks also collect food scraps from almost 300 schools, restaurants, cafeterias and grocery stores in the local area. They use grinders and loaders to create windrows of compostable materials. A large turning machine mixes and aerates the material as it composts. They sell natural mulch and colored mulches as well as compost and many soil mixes. They provide a valuable service to their city by recycling discarded material into valuable soil amendments and mulch.
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Items that were once alive are called organic. When organic materials are buried in a landfill, they can’t get the oxygen they need to decompose, but they do rot in a smelly way that produces an explosive gas called methane. Food waste is the largest single part of the materials we bury. Leaves, grass and yard trimmings can add to the organic materials that can go in to the landfill. Over twenty states have a law that keeps yard trimmings and leaves out of the landfills, but many states don’t have such laws. Almost all states allow food scraps to be dumped into the landfill. This means that all our landfills are being filled with organic materials that could be composted. It also means that landfills are large contributors to greenhouse gases through the methane they produce.
Read More:
How a Modern Landfill Works ➚
What happens inside a landfill? ➚